One year. One girl. One city. 2 million French people. At least 1 billion pastries.

08 April, 2010

Sex, drugs and French judgment

Ok, so now that I'm in an upper-level French class, we have "debates." Today's happened to be about drugs, alcohol and smoking. First of all, in 90's French slang (the only kind my teacher knows, let's be honest) "weed" = something that sounds suspiciously like "shit" with a French accent. "Sheet," if you will. But you have to purse your lips and sound pompous when you say it. But that's beside the point. The point here is that during today's debate, my professor JUDGED me. The conversation went something like this (but in French, c'est clair):

Prof: "I've noticed that English, German, Australian and American girls drink far too much and get very drunk in public."
Elizabeth: "I don't think that's always true. I mean, maybe when we go out on the weekends we drink a little more than French girls, but..."
Prof (staring me down): "Elizabeth, when you go out, do you ever have more than two drinks?"
Elizabeth: "I mean, yeah, I guess... sometimes..."
Prof (talking over me and with clear judgment in her eyes): "Don't you know that French men hate it when girls get drunk?"

Jeez. Also, I was talking to an Irish girl in my class about the shady "mecs" (slang for guys) who hang around the Barbes-Rochechouart area where my favorite market is. She was saying how any time those guys see a younger woman they'll kind of follow her down the street and yell things at her and some brave ones will even try to grope her. So we were making all the jokes about throwing a 'bow in said mec's face when my professor interrupted and said, "Well you American girls wear your skirts too short and that's probably why they're following you."


I mean, I don't even wear short skirts (they're impractical for crawling around on the floor after a 4-year-old), but are we saying it's a girl's fault if she gets sexually harrassed?

Anyway, the point I wanted to make before I got sidetracked by the mecs is that the culture of having a few drinks with friends is very different here than it is in the U.S. For example, Kay and I went out to a cafe one night with a French guy, Cyril, and each of us had two drinks and then when Kay and I weren't paying attention, Cyril paid the bill and told us it was time to go home. I felt like a badly-behaved college freshman for even entertaining the thought of staying out later or having another glass of wine. I mean, it's fine because I'm not going out on the weekends looking to get completely blitzed. But like, they drink their beer out of a 25 centiliter wine glass. Wine glasses, I tell you!


  1. is your prof a male or female? it sounds like some of my old french teachers. remember when we went out and stayed out all night? Romain (wasn't he adorable) had no problem with how much we drank and we saw drunk french girls. Hope you and Kay had fun!

  2. you are a drunk hooker. that is all. xoxo

  3. She's a woman. French women are SO judgmental, for realsies.

