One year. One girl. One city. 2 million French people. At least 1 billion pastries.

16 September, 2009

Things I love and things I hate

I have discovered that people in Paris have this awful problem called giving incorrect directions. Since I get lost a lot in my neighborhood, I'm pretty much always asking people where a certain street is or where a certain building is. Today, for instance, I had to go to the Mairie to get passport sized photos taken for my student id and metro pass. I got to the cross street where it was supposed to be and then asked a nice-looking lady for directions. She literally pointed me in the absolute opposite direction from where the building ended up being. So rude. So I walked about 10 minutes in the wrong direction, realized she had lied to me, and turned around. Awesome.

I'm also discovering things I love and hate about Paris. I love the cobblestone streets and the fact that I can see the top of the Eiffel Tower from my bus stop. I love the way French women dress. I love that some people are so kind to you when you speak French to them because they appreciate your effort. I love how fast the metro is. I love Monoprix because you can buy everything from lotion to groceries to flats and sweaters there. I love that I can buy an actually decent bottle of wine for 1 euro. I love going to the boulangerie every day for baguettes and a croissant or pain au chocolat. I love that museums are free the first Sunday of the month. However, I hate that sometimes people pretend not to understand you when you have a foreign accent (I mean, come on, I speak slowly and enunciate). I hate that dogs and people pee on the sidewalk and so you get whiffs of stale urine when you walk down the street. I hate getting lost and feeling like I will never belong because I will never be French.

Overall though, the loves definitely outweigh the hates. I've got to say, this is a really cool city. I'm becoming familiar with certain neighborhoods like the one around the kids' school, the Marais, the one around my school, and parts of my own neighborhood. I'm starting to get along better with the kids. I've met students, au pairs and English tutors, most of who are truly lovely (like Taryn!) and who I hope to be friends with for my whole year here and beyond. So basically, things are really good and getting better. Love to everyone at home, and Cathy, get over here as soon as you possibly can!

P.S. I'm coming home to get my visa at the end of October for about two weeks, so if you'll be in Atlanta then let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I loved Monoprix too!! I would go there everyday, I called it Wallyworld lol. It will get better don't worry! Careful about looking those boys in the eye they will think oh she wants me... ha not! Can't wait to see you in Oct lizzy!! Bisou!

